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while young 意味

"while young"の例文


  • while young
  • while     1while n. (短い)間. 【動詞+】 Give me a while to think about it.
  • young     1young n. (動物 鳥などの)子; 《文語》 若い人たち; 《文語》 子供たち. 【動詞+】 These animals will not
  • provident while young    《be ~》若い間に将来{しょうらい}に備えておく
  • to be orphaned while still young    to be orphaned while still young 親に早く死なれる おやにはやくしなれる
  • while one is young    若いうちに、若いときに、若かりし頃
  • while they are still young and impressionable    感受性の豊かな若いうちに
  • while we're still young    若いうちに
  • while you're still young    若いうちに
  • continue working while raising young children    幼い子どもを育てながら仕事{しごと}を続ける
  • live abroad while someone is still young    まだ(人)が若いうちに海外{かいがい}で生活{せいかつ}する
  • a while    a while 一寸 鳥渡 ちょっと 稍 やや
  • for a while    for a while 一頻り ひとしきり
  • in a while    すぐに、間もなく、しばらくすれば、少したって、しばらくの間 You haven't been out here in a (little) while, have you? しばらくこっちの方に来てなかったね。 I'll get it in a (little) while. すぐにそれを取りに行きます。
  • while     1while n. (短い)間. 【動詞+】 Give me a while to think about it. それについて考える時間を少し下さい I'll need a while to think about your proposal. あなたの提案を考える時間が少し必要だ I spent a while in a coffee shop.
  • while at in    在学中に


  • passed away while young only five years after the succession .
  • he entered nearby hofuku-ji temple (soja city ) while young .
    幼い頃近くの宝福寺 (総社市)に入る。
  • while young people seem to be very sure
  • death of a parent while young
  • because his brother , the second chikusen , passed away while young and his son was too young , he succeeded to the name in 1921 .
    兄二代竹泉早世と兄の子息幼少のため、大正10年 襲名。
  • your dear friend marcel tricks you into doing his bidding , and all the while , you rot in an attic alone while young timothy moves on with his life .
    君の親愛なる友 マルセルが君に使った手とは 自分の命令に従わせること 君が屋根裏で腐ってるあいだ 孤独に
  • although he was more clever than his elder brother , imperial prince takayoshi , his father , emperor godaigo , placed great expectations on him , but he passed away while young .
  • onami , who grew up under such expectations , had records of his activities when he was in his early twenties around 1413 , and while young he started participating as the next-generation successor of the kanze guild .
  • isshin ajari – members of the imperial family or sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents ) who entered the priesthood while young and were allowed the title of ajari at a young age by virtue of their noble birth became this;
    一身阿闍梨(いっしんあじゃり) 皇族や摂関家の子弟から仏門に入り、貴種のゆえをもって若いうちに阿闍梨の称号を許された者がなる。
  • while young , hisashige already exercised his talent in invention , and showed new devices of popular string puppets one after another in festivals of gokoku-jinja shrine in kurume (torihoka town , kurume city ), which earned him enormous popularity .
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